To be an “eligible firefighter,” you must be 18 years of age or older and belong to a fire department that:
- Is rated by the Fire Insurance Rating Bureau and is certified by the Department of Insurance as not less than a Class “9S” department,
- Files a roster annually with the North Carolina State Firefighters' Association, which is forwarded to the Pension Fund by January 31 each year, and
- Holds training sessions at least 4 hours monthly for which members are required to attend at least 36 hours per year.
Training Sessions for Firefighters
Training sessions for firefighters are defined as sessions or drills that prepare firefighters for, or increase their knowledge in, fire prevention, fire suppression, or protection of life and property.
To be an “eligible rescue squad worker,” you must be 18 years of age or older and belong to a rescue squad that:
- Is eligible for membership in the North Carolina Association of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services Inc., and
- Files a roster annually with the North Carolina Association of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services Inc., which is forwarded to the Pension Fund office by January 31 each year.
Eligible rescue squad workers must attend a minimum of 36 hours of training sessions each year.
Training Sessions for Rescue Squad Workers
Training sessions for rescue squad workers are defined as any sessions or drills that prepare rescue squad workers for, or increase their knowledge in, rescue, emergency medical services, injury prevention, or protection of life and property.
Helpful Tips & Checklist for the FRSWPF
This quick reference tool is a must have for members and departments.
ORBIT is a secure member portal that allows members of the North Carolina Retirement Systems to access important information about their retirement account.
- We encourage all members to create an ORBIT account as soon as they are enrolled.
- Fire & Rescue personnel are enrolled in the Firefighters’ and Rescue Squad Workers’ Pension Fund in the month the Retirement Systems office receives:
- the completed enrollment application, and
- the first $10 check contribution.
- Fire & Rescue personnel are enrolled in the Firefighters’ and Rescue Squad Workers’ Pension Fund in the month the Retirement Systems office receives:
- Creating an account is easy and the Retirement Systems requires that you use a personal email address.
- ORBIT allows FRSWPF members to:
- view and update beneficiaries,
- review creditable service history and contributions, and
- maintain important information once in retirement.
You may apply for monthly pension fund benefits after you:
- Have 20 years of creditable service as a firefighter or rescue squad worker, and
- Reach age 55.
Don't forget, you can continue to serve as a firefighter or rescue squad worker AND receive the Fire & Rescue pension benefit once you meet the eligibility criteria above.
Your monthly pension benefit is not automatic. You must apply to the Pension Fund for this benefit. Your complete application and direct deposit form should be returned to the Retirement Systems office 30 days before your scheduled retirement date. Click here to learn more about how to begin receiving benefits, including links to the required forms (Form 6FR Retiring from the Firefighters’ and Rescue Squad Workers’ Pension Fund and Form 170 Authorizing Direct Deposit.
The Firefighters’ and Rescue Squad Workers’ Pension Fund Handbook is a detailed resource for members covering important topics, such as:
- Membership in the Pension Fund,
- Benefit Eligibility,
- How Benefits are Paid,
- Receiving Your Monthly Benefit,
- Adding to Your Creditable Service,
- Receiving a Refund of Contributions,
- How to Handle Income Tax & Death Benefits, and
- Administration and Funding of the FRSWPF.
Fire & Rescue Personnel Web Resources
We are continuing to enhance information about the FRSWPF, membership and benefits on our website, with links to important forms, videos and administrative tools and guides for employers.
Important Dates
March 31 In order to be properly credited, your contributions for each calendar year must be received by the Retirement Systems office no later than March 31 of the following year. Contributions for the year can be submitted any time prior to this date. Contributions must be submitted in the form of a check. We do not accept cash payments for contributions. Currently, a member contribution is $10 per month ($120 per year).
Tech Tip: Create a recurring annual reminder on your phone or email calendar with an alert 1-2 weeks prior to March 31.