Law Enforcement Officers (LEO)

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The Department of State Treasurer, which administers the pension benefits for the Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System (TSERS) and Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System (LGERS), is committed to keeping you informed about the benefits available to you as a member and a law enforcement officer (LEO).

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You become a law enforcement officer (LEO) member under the Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System (TSERS) on the date of your hire if you:

  • are a permanent, full-time, paid employee of the state (or any of its agencies, departments, bureaus or educational institutions); and
  • you are actively serving in a position with assigned primary duties and responsibilities for the prevention and detection of crime or the general enforcement of the criminal laws of the state or serving civil processes; and
  • you possess the power of arrest by virtue of an oath administered under the authority of the state.

As a LEO, when you become a member of TSERS, you are automatically a member of the NC 401(k) supplemental retirement plan.

Discover TSERS

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You are eligible to become a LEO member under the Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System (LGERS) if you are a permanent, full-time paid employee of a LGERS employer, who:

  • possesses the power of arrest, and
  • has taken the law enforcement oath administered under the authority of the state as prescribed by General Statute 11-11, and
  • is certified as a law enforcement officer under the provisions of Chapter 17C of the General Statutes or certified as a deputy sheriff under the provisions of Chapter 17E of the General Statutes.

“Law enforcement officer” also means the sheriff of the county.

As a law enforcement officer, when you become a member of the retirement systems, you are automatically a member of the NC 401(k) Plan.

NOTE: If you are a local law enforcement officer who works for a local government unit that does not participate in LGERS and you wish to join LGERS, then you should notify your employer.

Discover LGERS

Firefighters and Rescue Squad Workers

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The Firefighters’ & Rescue Squad Workers’ Pension Fund (FRSWPF) is administered by the North Carolina Retirement Systems Division within the Department of State Treasurer (DST). Our mission is to preserve and protect this benefit for current and future public or volunteer Firefighters and Rescue Squad Workers who serve the citizens of North Carolina.

Discover FRSWPF

Some firefighters and rescue squad workers are also members of the Local Government Employees' Retirement System (LGERS).

Discover LGERS

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To be an eligible firefighter, you must be 18 or older and belong to a fire department that:

  • is rated by the Fire Insurance Rating Bureau and is certified by the Department of Insurance as not less than a Class “9S” department.
  • files a roster annually with the North Carolina State Firemen’s Association, which is forwarded to the pension fund by January 31 each year.
  • holds training sessions for at least four hours monthly for which members are required to attend at least 36 hours per year.

Training Sessions for Firefighters

Training sessions for firefighters are defined as sessions or drills that prepare firefighters for or increase their knowledge in fire prevention, fire suppression or protection of life and property.

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To be an eligible rescue squad worker, you must be 18 or older and belong to a rescue squad that:

  • is eligible for membership in the North Carolina Association of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services, Inc.
  • files a roster annually with the North Carolina Association of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services, Inc., which is forwarded to the pension fund by January 31 each year. Eligible rescue squad workers must attend a minimum of 36 hours of training sessions each year.

Training Sessions for Rescue Squad Workers

Training sessions for rescue squad workers are defined as any sessions or drills that prepare rescue squad workers for or increase their knowledge in rescue, emergency medical services, injury prevention or protection of life and property.


Here are some key steps to take to make the most of your benefits.

  1. Maintain your ORBIT account at Here, you can track your years of service, contributions, perform estimates on your potential future monthly benefit and so much more. 

  2. Designate beneficiaries and review every year or when you have a lifechanging event. This is an important step that ensures benefits available to you will go to the person or persons you intend. In ORBIT, this is done online, in real-time. 

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This page was last modified on 01/15/2025