Retirement Monitor - Special Edition: Contribution Rates & Legislation Updates

In this issue: TSERS, CJRS, LRS, ORP Contribution Rates; Supplemental Bonuses; Lump-Sum January "Catch Up" Payment

Table of Contents

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Contribution Rates for TSERS, CJRS, LRS and ORP

The State budget law for the 2021-2023 biennium, Senate Bill 105 (“2021 Appropriations Act”), was signed into law November 18, 2021, as S.L. 2021-180. Following are the rates that will be collected from January 1 through June 30, 2022.


Retirement System Pension Fund

  • 17.98%


  • 0.09%

Death Benefit

  • 0.13%

Retiree Health Benefit Fund

  • 5.90%
Total - 24.10%


An additional five percent employer contribution for state-employed law enforcement officers is required in the NC 401(k)Plan. Therefore, the total budgeted employer contribution for law enforcement officers is 29.10% effective January 1, 2022. Of this 29.10 percent, five percent is payable to Prudential Retirement (the NC 401(k) Plan administrator), and 24.10 percent is payable to the Retirement Systems Division.


The total employer contribution rate for participants in the Optional Retirement Program (ORP) will be 12.83%  percent, effective January 1, 2022. Of this amount, 5.99% percent of the covered payroll of ORP participants is payable to the Retirement Systems Division from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022. The contributions will be deposited as follows:

Retiree Health Benefit Fund

  • 5.90%


  • 0.09%
Total - 5.99% from Jan. 1, 2022 - June 30,2022


Retirement System Pension Fund

  • 43.60%


  • 0.00%

Death Benefit

  • 0.00%

Retiree Health Benefit Fund

  • 5.90%
Total - 49.50%


Retirement System Pension Fund

  • 29.56%


  • 0.00%

Death Benefit

  • 0.00%

Retiree Health Benefit Fund

  • 5.90%
Total - 35.46%


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December and January Supplemental Bonuses

​The $1,000 and additional $500 “pandemic bonuses,” for eligible employees, are not considered pension-eligible compensation and do not need to be reported to the Retirement Systems.

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Lump-Sum January Salary ‘Catch Up’ Payment for Teachers and State Employees

The one-time payment includes the salary increase amount retroactively for July through December 31. This should be reported as regular pay, but we will accept payroll with this payment reported as a bonus. This one-time payment is counted towards salary. If your agency is reporting this payment on the January reporting cycle, which is submitted in February, the payment should have an end date of December 31, 2021, and should reflect prior period adjustments. January retirees should not have pay reported past their termination date.




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