Load Changes for Employer Submissions
The following lists all fields present in a contribution file. It also details what character ranges each field takes up on a specific file record. It has the original rules from before the rewrite that applied to the field. If “nothing” is written next to a rule, that means that the error either was not implemented in the past, or is no longer being implemented in the future. The changes we are now checking for are written in plain terms (this is the most important).
Field | Characters | Changes |
Record_Type | 1-1 | Record types have been and will continue to be enforced in the initial SSIS formatting check. There is no change in how it is being checked. |
Agency_Number | 2-6 | This field will be checked largely in the same way as before with the only difference being that it will now throw an error if the Agency Number in the detail records do not all match the header and footer. |
Plan_Code | 7-16 | Retirement plan codes now are being checked in the LOAD step and will cause a file rejection if the retirement plan code is not reported (is blank), or is not a valid Retirement Plan Code (see Valid Plan Codes). |
SSN | 17-25 | The SSN check in the load step will now not only check that the field is numeric, but will also check that the SSN reported is 9 characters in length and is not all the same number (ex: 999999999). |
Member_ID | 26-34 | The member ID field requirement is now being enforced in the initial loadnig of the file and will not allow for any blank member ID fields. The reported member ID also needs to be accurate to the member ID fo the member in ORBIT. New members will need to be reported with an ID of "0" or "00000000". |
First_Name | 35-84 | The first name field is still a required field and still must not be numeric, but now we will also be checking that the field will not include any special characters (@!*?$^%+=~()^<>) |
Middle_Name | 85-134 | The middle name field will still not be a required field, but if the middle name is submitted, we will now verify that the name does not include any numerical values or special characters (@!*?$^%+=~()^<>). |
Last_Name | 135-184 | The last name field will still not be a required field, but if the last name is submitted, we will now verify that the name does not include any numerical values or special characters (@!*?$^%+=~()^<>). |
Suffix | 185-194 | The suffix field is still not a required field, but if the suffix is reported, it must be a valid suffix field included in the list of valid suffix's on sheet, "Valid Suffix Codes". Please do not include a "." at the end. |
Gender | 195-195 | The gender field check now is required for a successfully loaded file. The field must be one of the following: U, M, F. |
DOB | 196-203 | The date of birth is still a required field and it must still be a valid date. The field now must also indicated that the member is not over 120 years of age. |
Address_1 | 204-253 | The address line 1 field is now requried to be submitted on the file and it must not include any special characters (@!*?$^%+=~()^<>). |
Address_2 | 254-303 | Address line 2 is still not a required field, but if address line 2 is reported on a record, it must be accompanied by a valid address line 1 and it must not include any special characters (@!*?$^%+=~()^<>). |
City | 304-328 | The city field is now requried to be submitted on the file and it must not include any special characters (@!*?$^%+=~()^<>). |
State | 329-330 | The state field is now required so long as the address is not an Out of Country address. If the state code is reported then address line 1, city, and zip code must also be reported. The state must also be a valid state code to be reported (list of valid state codes is on the "Valid State Codes" sheet). |
Zip_Code | 331-339 | The ZIP Code field is now required so long as the address is not an Out of Country address. If the Zip code is reported then address line 1, city, and zip code must also be reported. The ZIP code must be at least 5 numbers in length, must be all numbers, and cannot all be the same number repeated (ex: 55555). |
OoC_Address | 340-389 | Out of Country Address is still not a required field, but if reported, it must not contain any special characters (#@!*?$^%+=~`()^<>). If reported, it must also be reported alongside valid Address Line 1 and City fields. If reported, Zip Code nad State Code fields must be left blank. |
Job_Classification | 390-395 | The Position/Job Classificaiton Number is now required to be on the submitted file and must be a valid code as listed in the sheet, "Valid Job Classification Codes". |
Department_Num | 396-401 | Th Department Number field is no longer required to be reported on submitted contribution files. This field may now be left blank. |
Employment_Date | 402-409 | The employment date is now required to be submitted on contribution files. It must be a valid calendar date that occurred prior to both the date the file is submitted as well as prior to the termination date (if a termination date is reported). When reporting a new member, the employment date must be the same as the first Pay Period Begin Date. |
Retirement_Eligibility_Date | 410-417 | If the retirement eligibility date is submitted, it must be a valid date and it must be after the employment date on the record. This is not a required field. |
PPD_Begin | 418-425 | The Pay Period Begin Date is still a required field and must be a valid date that occurs prior to the Pay Period End Date. For new memberships the Pay Period Begin Date must be the same as the Emlpoyment Date on the first record. When reporting Regular pay on Report Dates other than June and July, the Pay Period Begin Date must occur prior to the Contract Period End Date(Retirment Service Period End Date) . |
PPD_End | 426-433 | Pay Period End Date is still a required field. It must be a valid date and must occur between 1 and 31 days after the Pay Period Begin Date. When reporting a Termination Date, the Pay Period End Date cannot occur after the Termination Date. |
IncreaseOrDecrease_Salary | 434-434 | The Salary Indicator is a required field field and mut be either a plus (+) for postitive salary amounts, or a minus (-) for negative salary amounts. If Salary = 0 then a plus (+) may still be used. |
Salary | 435-446 | The Salary field is required for submitted files. The Field must be all numbers with 2 decimal places. (Ex: 125.00) |
IncreaseOrDecrease_EE_Contrib | 447-447 | The Contribution Amount Indicator should be either a plus (+) for postitive contribution amounts, or a minus (-) for negative contribution amounts. If Contributions = 0 then a plus (+) may still be used. |
EE_Contributions | 448-459 | The Employee Contributions field is required for submitted files. The Field must be all numbers with 2 decimal places. (Ex: 125.00). The amount should correlate to the Salary reported and the contribution rate applicable at the time. There is a small threshhold of difference allowed to compensate for possible rounding errors. This error can also be thrown a certain number of times based on the total record count before the file is rejected. |
Adjustmet_Code | 460-469 | Adjustment Code is not a required field on contribution files and no changes have occurred from prior reporting standards. |
Pay_Type_Code | 470-479 | Pay Type Codes are required to be submitted on contirbution files. They must be a valid Pay Type Code (See "Valid Pay Type Codes"). When Reporting a new member, they must be initially reported with a REG pay record. Any OVERTIME pay must be accompanied by a REG pay record. WORKCOMP and LEAVEPAY records must be reported with a salary of 0.00. Files may be allowed with a limited number of Pay Type errors, see "Tolerance Levels" for the percentage of errors allowed in error based on file size. |
Vacation_Hours_Paid_on_Term | 480-484 | Vacation Hours Paid must be reported when reporting a Termination Date. It must be made up of only numbers along with a single decimal place (Ex: 12.3). When not reporting a Termination Date, Vacation Hours Paid should be blank. |
Contract_PD | 485-494 | Contract Period Type Code must be reported and must be one of the following: 08, 09, 10, 11, 12. |
Contract_PD_Begin_Date | 495-502 | Contract Period Begin date is only a required field for records with a Contract Period Type other than 12. When reporting a Contract Period Begin Date, it must be a valid date and the time period between Contract Period Begin and End dates must correlate to the Contract Period Type Code reported. (Ex: 11 month difference for Type Code of 11) |
Contract_PD_End_Date | 503-510 | Contract Period End date is only a required field for records with a Contract Period Type other than 12. When reporting a Contract Period End Date, it must be a valid date and the time period between Contract Period Begin and End dates must correlate to the Contract Period Type Code reported. (Ex: 11 month difference for Type Code of 11) |
Term_Date | 511-518 | Termination Dates when reported must be a valid date, cannot occur prior to the employment date reported, cannot occur after the file has been submitted, must be accompanied by a valid termination reason, and cannot occur before the Pay Period End Date. |
Term_Type | 519-528 | Termination Type Code when reported must be a valid Termination Type, see "Valid Termination Type Codes". When reported, it must be accompanied by a valid Termination Date. |
Shared_Pos_ID | 529-534 | When reporting a Shared Position ID, it must be either a blank, 0, or 6 numbers. Shared Position ID's cannot include any letters or special characters. |
Header Records | ||
Field | Characters | Changes |
Record_Type | 1-1 | |
Agency_Number | 2-6 | This field will be checked largely in the same way as before with the only difference being that it will now throw an error if the Agency Number in the detail records do not all match the header and footer. |
Report_Period | 7-12 | The Header Report period must be submitted in a format of 4 digit year followed by 2 digit month (Ex: 202406 for June 2024). The Header Report Period must match the Footer Report Period. |
Format_Version | 13-15 | File Format must be reported as 001. |
File_Creation_Date | 16-23 | File Creation date must be a valid date and cannot be a future date. |
Footer Records | ||
Field | Characters | Changes |
Record_Type | 1-1 | |
Agency_Num | 2-6 | The Agency Number in the Footer record must match that of the Header and Detail and be a valid Agency Number. |
Report_Period | 7-12 | The Footer Report period must be submitted in a format of 4 digit year followed by 2 digit month (Ex: 202406 for June 2024). The Header Report Period must match the Footer Report Period. |
Record_Count | 13-23 | Footer record count must match the number of records on the file. This is the same as before. |
IncreaseOrDecrease_Tot_Sal | 24-24 | The Salary Indicator is a required field field and mut be either a plus (+) for postitive salary amounts, or a minus (-) for negative salary amounts. If Salary = 0 then a plus (+) may still be used. |
Total_Salary | 25-36 | The Total Salary field is required for submitted files. The Field must be all numbers with 2 decimal places. (Ex: 125.00). The sum of all reported Salary amounts in the file details must match the Total Salay in the Footer record. |
IncrDecr_Tot_EE_Contrib | 37-37 | The Contribution Amount Indicator should be either a plus (+) for postitive contribution amounts, or a minus (-) for negative contribution amounts. If Contributions = 0 then a plus (+) may still be used. |
Total_EE_Contrib | 38-49 | The Employee Contributions field is required for submitted files. The Field must be all numbers with 2 decimal places. (Ex: 125.00). The sum of all Employee Contributions in the details of the file must match the Total Employee Contributions field in the Footer record. |
File | 022 - Duplicate file submission check. If file submitted and the current status is PROG, or the status is SUBMIT with a record count greater than 0. 032 - The agency number in the file name must match the agency number in the header record. The report period in the file name must match the report period in the header and footer records. 067 - Nothing | Non-BEACON Employers must submit their files with the Agency number and Report Date in the file name matching the Agency Number and Report Date in the records themselves. Agencies must be active to report contributions, and cannot submit duplicate files for the same Report Period. |
This page was last modified on 08/22/2024