NC 401(k) and NC 457 Transfer Benefit

Teachers and State Employee System Members, and Local Government Employee System Members have the option to transfer their NC 401(k) or NC 457 funds to the NC Retirement System to receive an additional monthly benefit. Transfers are optional and are a one-time, irrevocable election

To estimate your monthly benefit from account funds you transfer, use the Transfer Benefit Estimator found in your personal ORBIT account.

To apply to transfer all or part of your NC 401(k) and/or NC 457 funds (not including Roth contributions and earnings), complete Form 319401k for the NC 401(k) or Form 319457 for the NC 457, which can be found in ORBIT

If you have questions about how to apply for the Transfer Benefit or want to check the status of your application, call the NC Retirement Systems at (919) 814-4590.

Check the SECU Suitability Tool

The State Employees Credit Union provides a tool​ to help you determine if the NC 401(k) and NC 457 Transfer Benefit is right for you.