Enrollment in the Pension Fund
To become a member of the pension fund, you must:
- complete Form 350 (Enrolling in the Firefighters’ and Rescue Squad Workers’ Pension Fund) through your department or squad.
- contributions are $10 per month for each month of service credit in a calendar year and must be received in the Pension Fund office by March 31 of the following year in order to be properly credited.
Mail the completed form and your first month's contribution to:
Firefighters and Rescue Squad Workers' Pension Fund
Department of State Treasurer
3200 Atlantic Ave.
Raleigh, NC 27604
Training sessions for rescue squad workers are defined as any sessions or drills that prepare rescue squad workers for or increase their knowledge in rescue, emergency medical services, injury prevention or protection of life and property.
Your enrollment date will be effective in the month in which the pension fund receives both your application and contribution.
Annual March 31 Contribution Deadline

In order to be properly credited, your contributions for a calendar year must be received by the pension fund by March 31 of the following year. Prior year contributions received after March 31 will be returned. To receive credit for the period for which the contributions were returned, you must purchase the service credit as described under the “Prior Service” purchase provisions.
NOTE: It is important to remember that while some employers, departments or squads pay this contribution on behalf of the firefighter or rescue squad worker, it is ultimately the responsibility of the member to make sure these contributions are paid and received by the Retirement Systems to be properly credited and applied.
Are you eligible to enroll in the FRSWPF?
This page was last modified on 01/14/2025