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To be legally retired, you must end your employment, live until your effective date of retirement, have no intent or agreement, express or implied, to return to LGERS service and not perform any work for an LGERS employer at any time during the month of your effective date of retirement.

If you work in any capacity for an employer under LGERS after you have officially retired and are receiving monthly benefits, you will be subject to the return-to-work provisions described below which may limit your earnings or require you to re-enroll as a contributing member of LGERS.

You will be subject to return-to-work provisions based on the nature of the particular work you perform for an LGERS employer, regardless of your job classification or your technical employment status (which may include being assigned to work for an LGERS employer by a private company such as a temporary staffing agency).

Tab/Accordion Items

You must complete separation from active service with no intent or agreement, express or implied, to return to service and begin receiving monthly retirement benefits. You must perform no work for a participating LGERS employer, including part-time, temporary, substitute, or contract work at any time during the same month immediately following the effective first day of retirement. If you return to work before the required one-month break, then you will be required to pay an amount that is calculated based on one of the following conditions:

  • You will be deemed to have retired the month after the month you performed services for the employer and repay all retirement benefits received until that date (the new retirement date must be after you have satisfied a one month break in service); or
  • You will be required to make a lump sum payment to LGERS equal to three times the compensation earned during the month immediately following the effective date of your retirement.

You will be required to pay the lesser of these two amounts as determined by the retirement system. If you return to work in a position that requires LGERS membership during the month of your effective date of retirement, your LGERS benefit will be cancelled retroactively to your retirement date, and you will be required to repay all retirement benefits received since your retirement date.

After the required one-month break, you may return to work in a position that requires membership in LGERS. Your retirement benefit will be suspended on the first day of the month following the month of your reemployment, and you will again become a contributing LGERS member in the month in which you are restored to membership service.

If you return to service and contribute to LGERS for at least three additional years, at the time you end your second period of employment, you can choose one of the following options for your benefit:

  • You can combine your service from your first and second periods of employment to create one (generally larger) monthly retirement benefit. You can change the retirement payment plan and/or beneficiary you selected at the time of your original retirement. If you selected Option 4 for your first retirement, we must actuarially adjust benefits when you retire again.
  • You can reinstate your first retirement account and withdraw your contributions only from your second account.

If you return to service and contribute to LGERS for fewer than three additional years, at the time you end your second period of employment, your first retirement benefit will be reinstated. You can choose one of the following options for your second retirement account:

  • You can apply to receive a second (generally smaller) monthly benefit based on your second period of employment.
  • You can withdraw your contributions from your second account.
  • You can leave your second account open, provided you have not reached the age for a Required Minimum Distribution.


After a one-month break, if you return to work with an LGERS employer in a position that is not eligible for LGERS membership, your earnings will be restricted to the greater of the following:

  • $40,980 (2024 amount)
  • 50 percent of your gross 12-month pre-retirement salary (excluding termination payments)

The dollar figure is adjusted annually according to the Consumer Price Index. These earnings restrictions apply for the 12 months immediately following your retirement and for each calendar year following the year of retirement.

After a one-month break, if you are regularly employed as an employee of an LGERS employer in a regular position that requires at least 1,000 hours of work in a calendar year

  • You are required to be a contributing member of LGERS, and your monthly retirement benefit will be suspended.
  • You will not be a contributing member of LGERS if your work is considered “temporary employment,” meaning employment for a limited term which does not exceed 12 consecutive months on a non-recurring basis for an LGERS employer or “statutorily required interim employment,” meaning employment as an interim city or county manager for a period that does not exceed 12 months on a non-recurring basis.

You may be assessed an overpayment if you are not in compliance with the guidelines above.

If you exceed your earnings limitations, your retirement benefit will be suspended on the first day of the month following the month in which you exceeded the limit for the remainder of the calendar year. Your retirement payment will start again on January 1 of the year after your benefit is suspended. If your earnings exceed the allowable amount in the month of December, your benefit will not be suspended.


An overpayment of benefits means you have received a larger benefit than you were entitled to receive. Statutory provisions require us to recover overpayments. This includes, but is not limited to, the following methods of recovery:

  • Deductions from a monthly benefit;
  • Monthly payment remittal;
  • Lump-sum payments;
  • Repayment from the NC Department of Revenue through the interception of tax refunds or potential lottery winnings;
  • Deductions from an active payroll check (required if you are employed by an LGERS employer and have received an overpayment from LGERS).

This page was last modified on 12/04/2024