The Board of Trustees is the administrator of the Retirement System. It is the responsibility of the Retirement Systems Division to:
✔️ Manage LGERS for all public employees of the state in accordance with LGERS Board of Trustees directives
✔️ Manage three other retirement systems in addition to LGERS, including the Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System, the Consolidated Judicial Retirement System and the Legislative Retirement System
✔️ Disability Income Plan
✔️ Manage the following programs: Legislative Retirement Fund, Firefighters’ and Rescue Squad Workers’ Pension Fund, National Guard Pension Plan, Registers of Deeds’ Supplemental Pension Fund, Supplemental Retirement Income Plan (NC 401k Plan), Contributory Death Benefit for Retired Members, Separate Insurance Benefits Plan for Law Enforcement Officers, Public Employee Deferred Compensation Plan (NC 457 Plan)
✔️ Assist agencies desiring Social Security coverage with their application for coverage
The Retirement Systems Division is not responsible for:
- Matters relating to Social Security, other than those listed above (NOTE: Members with questions about Social Security benefits should contact the nearest Social Security district office.
- Administering other insurance plans that may deduct money from employees’ or retirees’ paychecks
- Matters concerning personnel policies, such as annual leave or sick leave (except where sick leave may be converted to additional creditable service at retirement)
- State or federal income tax matters (except for retiree tax withholding)
Matters relating to credit unions, banks, savings and loans, and other financial institutions (we are not connected with the State Employees’ Credit Union.)
The above list is not all-inclusive.
North Carolina public records laws limit the release of certain types of information in accordance with G.S. 128.33.1. However, LGERS employers may request any information from the Retirement Systems Division about their own employees, except for medical information.
This page was last modified on 11/20/2024