In this issue:
Digest of Legislative Action Affecting Members of the Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System
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The Retirement Monitor is a newsletter for North Carolina's state and local employers. Click here if you are a public employer in North Carolina and wish to sign up for the Retirement Monitor Newsletter.In this issue:
Digest of Legislative Action Affecting Members of the Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System
In this issue:
Digest of Legislative Action Affecting Members of the Legislative Retirement System
In this issue:
Digest of Legislative Action Affecting Members of the Consolidated Judicial Retirement System
In this issue:
Digest of Legislative Action Affecting Members of the Firefighters’ and Rescue Squad Workers’ Pension Fund
In this issue:
Cost of Living Increases and One-Time Supplement Payment for Benefit Recipients Approved; Reminder of New TSERS Contribution Rates; Penalty for Late Employer Contribution Report Submissions;
In this issue:
Factors for Calculating Options 2, 3, 4, 6-2 and 6-3 are Changing Effective January 1, 2017; Reminder – TSERS Employer Contribution Rates Increasing January 1, 2017
In this issue:
2016-2017 Contribution Rates for Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System Employers
In this issue:
2016-2017 Contribution Rates for Legislative Retirement System
In this issue:
2016-2017 Contribution Rates for Consolidated Judicial Retirement System
In this issue:
LGERS Benefit Recipients Cost of Living Adjustment; Properly Coding LGERS EMS Workers and Firefighters; Accessing Employer Monthly ORBIT Error Reports; The Numbers Show It - Employers who offer a Match or Contribution Make a Big Impact on Retirement Readiness!
In this issue:
Total Retirement Tour Kicking Off in June; 2015 Annual Benefits Statements Now Available; More than 50 School Districts Now Offer the NC 403(b) Program
In this issue:
Disability Recipients' Benefits Suspended; Annual Compensation Limits in 2016 for Retirement System Contributions; Retirement Systems Approaching Peak Season for Retirement Processing; Coming Soon: 2015 Annual Benefits Statements!; NC 403(b) Program Coming to Community Colleges this Summer!
In this issue:
Required Distributions After Age 70 ½; Transfer Benefit for TSERS, LGERS and LEOs; Navigating your State Health Plan Benefits and Retirement Meeting Series Announced; Retirement Termination Process
In this issue:
Final Reminder: Correcting Employer ORBIT Reporting Errors-last time before ABS statements issued; Reporting Re-hired Retirees in ORBIT; Statement of Income Forms to be Mailed to Disability Recipients in February; Re-employment Earnable Allowance Limits Increased for 2016; Scam Alert - Phony State Treasurer’s Inspector Threatens Arrest; Employer Spotlight: Charlotte Housing Authority; Seeking Hosts Statewide for Retirement Planning Conferences; 2013 Annual Benefits Statements Available Until March 31, 2016; For Your Information - Upcoming Mailings to Retirees and Benefit Recipients