There are times when you may need to update a member's information. This section guides you through the steps for changing a members Social Security Number, birth date and beneficiary(ies) on file.

Tab/Accordion Items

If you find that a member’s Social Security number is incorrect, or if there is any type of discrepancy in his or her records between the number and the number the Retirement Systems Division is using, you must send a copy of the member’s Social Security card to the Retirement Systems. Once the Retirement Systems Division receives this information, the correction will be made. Please be sure to update your records and future reporting forms with the member’s correct Social Security number.

If you find that the member’s date of birth has been listed incorrectly, or if the date of birth of a beneficiary has been listed incorrectly, you will need to send a copy of one of the following items that shows the date of birth before the Retirement Systems Division can change the member’s account:

  • Driver’s License 
  • Birth Certificate 
  • Passport 
  • State, Federal or Military Identification

If none of the above items can be provided, the Retirement Systems Division may accept a letter from the Social Security Administration that states the date it has accepted as the member’s date of birth. Once this information is received, the Retirement Systems Division will make the necessary corrections.

An active TSERS member may designate beneficiaries online for the employee death benefit (if applicable), or for a return of contributions in the event of the member’s death.

To add or change a beneficiary online: 

  • The member should go to and log in. 
  • The member should then click on ‘Maintain Beneficiaries’ to view a list of current beneficiary designations. 
  • The member will also be able to take action on this page to view details, edit, delete or add principal and contingent beneficiaries.

This page was last modified on 12/03/2024