If your employer elected the lump-sum death benefit for active employees described on the previous page, and you die within 180 days of your last day of service, and meet all eligibility requirements, this benefit will be payable. Other retiree death benefits may also be payable as described below.

Tab/Accordion Items

You are automatically eligible for the Guaranteed Refund when you choose a payment option. Under the Guaranteed Refund provision, if you and your monthly survivor beneficiary (if any) both die before the total of all monthly payments equals the amount of your contributions and interest, the balance of your contributions and interest will be paid in one lump sum to another beneficiary(ies).

The Guaranteed Refund also covers any purchases you made for additional creditable service after retirement. You may name one or more beneficiaries for the Guaranteed Refund, and you may change your beneficiary selection(s) as often as you like. However, the beneficiary you choose for the Guaranteed Refund cannot be the same as your monthly survivor beneficiary.

When you retire, you can choose the Contributory Death Benefit for Retired Members online in your ORBIT account or by filling out Form 333BEN (Designating Beneficiary(ies) for the Contributory Death Benefit for Retired Members). To enroll, you must make your election within 60 days of the effective date of your retirement.

If you enrolled in the optional $10,000 Contributory Death Benefit for Retired Members and your death occurs on or after the first day of the month following the 24th month of coverage, a lump-sum payment of $10,000 will be paid to your designated beneficiary(ies). 

If your death occurs before the first day of the month following the 24th month of coverage, the amount payable will be equal to your premiums plus interest.

If you choose one of the survivor options (Options 2, 3, 6-2 and 6-3), your survivor beneficiary will receive a monthly lifetime benefit after your death.

NOTE: During the month a retiree or beneficiary dies, the legal representative of the deceased retiree or beneficiary is entitled to a full check for the month the death occurred, but is not entitled to any further monthly payments, except as provided under Options 2, 3, 6-2, and 6-3. It is a Class 1 Misdemeanor for a person to fraudulently receive the retirement benefit of a deceased retiree or beneficiary after the recipient’s death.

Reporting a Member Death

White Flowers

During a time of loss and grieving, there are steps that beneficiaries and family members must take to ensure that the law is followed as it relates to member retirement benefits. The first step is to notify our office as soon as possible. 

We offer an easy online form to report a death to the Retirement Systems Division.

This page was last modified on 11/04/2024