Refund of Contributions
If you leave LGERS before you have five years of creditable service, the only payment you can receive is a refund of your contributions and interest.
State law prohibits us from making a refund earlier than 60 days after you leave employment with an employer that participates in LGERS.
However, if you leave LGERS employment and you do not take a refund, you will retain your benefits and rights should you return to LGERS service at a later time. Set by state law, the interest credited on your contributions and paid with a refund is currently four percent (4%) compounded annually on your prior year ending balance. To apply for a refund, log into your ORBIT account and click Apply for a Refund Online.
View more information about getting a refund of contributions.

NOTE: If you withdraw your retirement contributions, you forfeit your retirement service credit and rights to all benefits associated with the service for that time period, including medical coverage through the State Health Plan, if applicable.
This page was last modified on 11/04/2024