State Health Plan of North Carolina
You may be eligible for State Health Plan coverage under the Retirement Systems. The cost, if any, is determined by two factors: (1) when you began state employment, and (2) which health plan you select.
In all cases, if you choose coverage for your dependents, you must pay the full cost of dependent coverage.
NOTE: Members hired on or after January 1, 2021, are not eligible to receive retiree medical benefits.
Your coverage begins on the first day of the month following your effective date of retirement. For example, if your effective date of retirement is January 1, your coverage in the retiree group plan will begin on February 1.
When you (or your covered dependents) become eligible for Medicare, you must elect both Parts A (Hospital) and B (Medical) in order to maintain the same level of coverage you received before retirement.
Visit for more information about the State Health Plan.
Optional Supplemental Insurance (Dental, Vision & Identity Theft Protection)
Optional supplemental insurance coverage is available to retirees and benefit recipients through Pierce Insurance Agency. Pierce will mail information to you after your first retirement benefit has been issued. Visit for more information.
This page was last modified on 01/03/2025