If you were not vested as of December 1, 2012, and are convicted of a state or federal felony directly related to your employment while in service under TSERS, you are prohibited from receiving any retirement benefit other than a return of your contributions plus interest.
If you were vested as of December 1, 2012, you are prohibited from receiving any retirement benefit for service rendered after December 1, 2012, other than a return of your contributions plus interest for the period of service after December 1, 2012.
Elected government officials not vested on July 1, 2007, will forfeit their right to a monthly benefit from TSERS if convicted of certain state or federal offenses related to their service as an elected official. Elected officials vested on July 1, 2007, are not entitled to creditable service accrued in TSERS after July 1, 2007, if convicted of certain state and federal offenses related to their service as an elected official.
This page was last modified on 11/04/2024