Once you decide to retire and meet the eligibility requirements for monthly benefits, you must follow certain steps to begin your retirement process.

To be legally retired, you must end your employment, live until your effective date of retirement, have no intent or agreement, express or implied, to return to TSERS service and not perform any work for a TSERS employer during the six months immediately following your effective date of retirement, except in the following situations:

  • Serving as an unpaid bona fide volunteer in a local school administrative unit;
  • Serving as an unpaid bona fide volunteer guardian ad litem in the guardian ad litem program;
  • Serving on an authority, board, commission, committee, council, or other body of the state or of one or more counties, cities, local school administrative units, community colleges, constituent institutions of The University of North Carolina, or other political subdivisions or public corporations in the state, that is authorized to function as legislative, policymaking, quasi-judicial, administrative, or advisory body in a position that does not require membership in the retirement system;
  • Volunteering in a position normally designated as an unpaid bona fide volunteer position. 

Generally, if you die before your effective retirement date, your beneficiary is ineligible for a monthly retirement allowance, based on your retirement account, except as provided under the Survivor’s Alternate Benefit.

This page was last modified on 11/04/2024