Retirement Monitor - March 2023

Employer-Implemented New Systems and Testing; Timely and Accurate Employer Reporting; Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System Rates Effective 7/1/23; Teachers' and State Employee's Retirement System Rates Effective 7/1/23; Return-to-Work Earnable Allowance; MARS in ORBIT; Employer & Member Webinars; Understanding Your Medical Plan Options When You Become Medicare Eligible Webinars

Table of Contents



Employer-Implemented New Systems and Testing

Are you updating or implementing a new payroll system? Once you have finalized writing your business requirements and the new system is in place, the Retirement Systems Division is here to help with testing. If you intend to use a vendor for your system changes, you should still be plan on being part of that process as the key contact for reporting.  

We request that you notify us as soon as possible if you are making a change or upgrade so we can schedule testing that aligns with your planned start date.  You should expect testing to take at least 60 days

Timely and Accurate Employer Reporting

Are you updating or implementing a new payroll system? Once you have finalized writing your business requirements and the new system is in place, the Retirement Systems Division is here to help with testing. If you intend to use a vendor for your system changes, you should still be plan on being part of that process as the key contact for reporting. </p> <p> We request that you notify us as soon as possible if you are making a change or upgrade so we can schedule testing that aligns with your planned start date.<em> You should expect testing to take at least 60 days</em>. </p> <drupal-media data-entity-type=" data-view-mode="inline_large" data-align="left">Employee and Employer contributions are due via the monthly Contribution Summary Instructions (CSI) by 5:00 p.m. on the 5th business day of the month along with the Monthly ORBIT payroll report. If the 5th falls on a weekend, contributions are due the following business day by 5 p.m. This schedule has been updated to include 2023 dates and is located on our website

myNCRetirement Tip:  Create a calendar reminder so you meet the required deadlines. 

Timely Reporting and Invoice Payments

To maintain correct information, it is important that you take time to correct errors in ORBIT. Please respond to your Employer Reporting Team representative promptly so that any issues can be addressed, and necessary adjustments can be processed as soon as possible. As a reminder, employers now have access to their monthly ORBIT Error Reports on our website:

  1. Log into ORBIT as an employer
  2. Under the REPORTING options, select “Report Viewer”
  3. Select the “Employer Reporting” report type
  4. Select the “Detail Records in Error by Agency and Report Month – Self Service” report
  5. Select the “Report Month” and “Report Year
  6. The “Exception Type” and “Source of Entry” are auto populated and cannot be changed
  7. Select the Export Type which is either “Adobe PDF” or “Excel”

LGERS Employer Contribution Rates

The rates are posted publicly rather than mailing individual letters to every employer to improve efficiency and transparency and reduce costs. The table is ordered by five-digit employer code but is also searchable (by employer name) within a browser, or by downloading the PDF and using “Edit”->”Find” in Adobe.

The specific rate(s) paid by each employing unit will include the “base rate” from the table above, and other adjustments that are specific to the unit.

Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System Rates Effective 7/1/23

TSERS employer contribution rates effective July 1, 2023, will depend on the legislative budget process.   


Some retirees of the Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System and Local Governmental Employees’ Retirement System will officially retire and later be reemployed.

Retirement is defined as the commencement of monthly retirement benefits, along with a termination of employment and the complete separation from active service with no intent or agreement, express or implied, to return to service. The NC General Statutes are clear in that there must be a full stop in employment, and a break from work for a specific amount of time with no plans to return to work up to and prior to an employee’s effective retirement date.

If the retiree returns to work in a part-time or full-time capacity for an employer in the Retirement System from which they retired, certain earnings limitations may apply. It is required that employers report retirees who return-to-work in a full-time or part-time capacity to the Retirement Systems.

After a six-month break in TSERS, or a one-month break in LGERS and return to work in a position that does not require membership in those systems, you are subject to the earning restrictions below. Remember, there can be no prearranged agreement to return to work prior to retirement, even if you do fulfill the waiting period requirements.

You can earn whichever is greater:

  • 50% of member’s gross pre-retirement salary (excluding termination payments) or
  • $39,660 (2023 amount)

A retiree who has returned to work can log in to ORBIT, click on View Earnable Allowance in the left navigation and see their earnable allowance for re-employment purposes.


The Member Annual Retirement Statement (MARS) is now in ORBIT.  

This statement provides active members with information about their service accrual and retirement contributions for the calendar year ending December 31, 2022.  

Exclusively available in ORBIT self-service, MARS focuses on the foundation of retirement for public servants in the state of North Carolina – the pension benefit. This statement is a tool for obtaining the most accurate data and information about your potential retirement benefits.  

Eligible members will be able to view:

  • Personal information on file like address, phone, email.  
  • Retirement Systems in which the member has been or is a member.  
  • Principal beneficiaries.  
  • Estimated potential retirement benefit from the North Carolina Retirement Systems.   
  • Links to the NC Supplemental Plans (NC 401(k) and NC 457 Plans) so members can enroll, increase savings and/or view statements for the plans in which they are a participant.  
  • Link to mySocialSecurity so members can create an account and receive a real-time estimate from the Social Security Administration based on their work history and contributions.  

 Click Here for more information about YOUR MARS!


Virtual and on-demand training options help you understand employer roles, responsibilities and assist employees with retirement related matters. Employer Training is available throughout the year.

There are ongoing retirement planning and information sessions are available for new members, mid-career and those nearing retirement. We encourage member participation so they can learn about their benefits and plan for their financial future.

Employer Webinars

MyNCRetirement Employer Training Webinars

Empower Retirement Benefits Webinars

Member Webinars

Retirement Planning Webinars

Empower Retirement Benefits Webinars

'Understanding Your Medical Plan Options When You Become Medicare-Eligible' Webinars Scheduled through August! 

The State Health Plan is again offering online webinars with important information on “Understanding Your Medical Plan Options When You Become Medicare-Eligible.” 

These popular, free webinars are designed for active employees who will soon be 65, are already 65 or older, and retirees getting ready to turn 65. Each webinar lasts approximately 2 hours and will explain important information regarding Medicare, your retirement health benefit options and offer the opportunity to ask questions. 

Webinars are scheduled through August. If you haven’t already, register soon, as these webinars are expected to fill quickly! To register, visit the State Health Plan website.  

Please note: A limited number of in-person sessions are also in the planning stages. Stay tuned for more information.

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