Retirement Planning Conferences

The Department of State Treasurer Retirement Systems Division conducts retirement conferences for members of the Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System and the Local Governmental Employees’ Retirement System.

The conferences provide an orientation for new members, pre-retirement planning information for members closer to retirement, and educational information for personnel officers and others who handle retirement matters. A representative from the State Health Plan is on hand to answer questions about health coverage for eligible retirees. In addition, Prudential Retirement, our third-party administrator, also offers information on the NC 401(k) and NC (457) Plans, or the NC 403(b) Program at the conferences.

Each Retirement Planning Conference or webinar has its own registration link. Please click on the conference below you are interested in attending and register today to learn about your retirement benefits.

Conference Presentation Slides


Total Retirement Planning Conferences feature retirement information for both state and local government employees.

Click here for a Total Retirement Planning webinar


On Demand Webinars for Teachers and State Employees, and for Local Government Employees

You will need to register once you click on the links below:

Teachers and State Employees

Local Government Employees