Are you a part-time employee or a retiree who has recently returned to work?

Take important steps to boost your income in retirement.
- Enroll in the NC 457 Plan.
- Enroll in the NC 401(k) Plan (eligibility begins January 2025)
- Roll over outside assets and take advantage of strong board oversight, diverse investment options and low fees.
- Contact your employer or NC 401(k)/NC 457 Plan counselor for a Participant Enrollment Code.
The passing of House Bill 1020 promotes retirement readiness, assists employers with hiring and retention incentives and allows more state and local governmental employees to save for retirement.
Part-time and full-time public servants, as well as re-hired employees who do not contribute to the Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System (TSERS) or Local Governmental Employees’ Retirement System (LGERS) now have expanded access to the NC 401(k) Plan.
Enroll in the NC 457 Plan now. Enroll in the NC 401(k) Plan starting January 2025.
This page was last modified on 08/05/2024